Zentyal 6.0 to 6.1 upgrade getting stuck

Posted on Tue 17 December 2019 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, Linux, Mail

So I faced a little challenge with a Zentyal server the other day. I was upgrading from ye olde 6.0 to 6.1, when everything just stopped. I let it sit in the corner for about an hour or so, but it never picked up the thread. All the services were still live, so I logged in to have a look.

(Note, my DNS server is named RIMU; yours may be something else!)

Running ps aux, I discovered this line:

sh -c /usr/bin/sudo -p sudo: /var/lib …

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New things I didn't know about WireGuard

Posted on Thu 27 December 2018 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, WireGuard, Networking, Linux

This is part of my brief series on WireGuard. I'm pretty enamoured with WireGuard and the way it works, and I've been using it pretty seamlessly for over a year now. I've learned a couple things that weren't immediately obvious though, so I'm documenting them here.

Easy Provisioning

Samuel Holland mentioned an interesting trinket, in his post at https://lists.zx2c4.com/pipermail/WireGuard/2018-December/003703.html:

"[...] WireGuard will ignore a peer whose public key matches the interface's private key. So you can distribute a single list of peers everywhere …

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When AppArmor eats your breakfast

Posted on Mon 19 March 2018 in Tech • Tagged with Security, Tech, Linux

I've knocked heads with AppArmor a few times now. To be quite honest with myself, I think it's primarily because I install it, enable all the plugins, and then forget it's there until there's a problem.


On a fully-updated Zentyal 5.0 system running DHCP, the AppArmor profile in /etc/apparmor.d/usr.sbin.dhcpd will prevent isc-dhcp-server from restarting itself after an upgrade.

More search-type words: Zentyal dhcp server doesn't start again after upgrade. isc-dhcp-server graceful shutdown, but no restart.

This frustration-laden, Google-friendly equivalent of speaking slowly …

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Making MindTouch's Dekiwiki work on Debian Stretch

Posted on Sun 17 September 2017 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, Linux

We had accumulated a certain amount of technical debt, due to a Wiki solution that was selected a few years ago: Dekiwiki, by MindTouch. Unfortunately a few months after implementation, MindTouch Core (which Dekiwiki builds on) was well-and-truly deprecated back in 2013.

It all happened before my time, but it seems as if Dekiwiki came as a pre-built VMware Appliance, based on Debian Etch (Debian 4.0; released in 2007). After giving our Dekiwiki environment some serious side-eye for a while, I finally decided to get my hands dirty and …

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Respecting Amavis' "Banned Extensions" setting

Posted on Sun 13 August 2017 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, Linux, Mail

I've been dabbling a little bit with iRedMail, mostly just to have a play with a mail server, but also to see what's involved in mail security. iRedMail is a package that pulls together Postfix as an MTA, Dovecot as a POP3 & IMAP server, SOGo for ActiveSync, Roundcube for Webmail, SpamAssassin for spam protection, and ClamAV for virus scanning.

Okay I have no idea why I have to write this, but apparently it's a thing.

Amavis has a list of banned file extensions. In Debian, they live in /etc/amavis …

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Making Amavis work with ESET Antivirus

Posted on Sat 12 August 2017 in Tech • Tagged with Tech, Security, Linux, Mail

I've been dabbling a little bit with iRedMail, mostly just to have a play with a mail server, but also to see what's involved in mail security. iRedMail is a package that pulls together Postfix as an MTA, Dovecot as a POP3 & IMAP server, SOGo for ActiveSync, Roundcube for Webmail, SpamAssassin for spam protection, and ClamAV for virus scanning.

But of course, ClamAV has shown disappointing performance, and it would be really nice to use something more... commercially suitable.

To tie together mail receipt and scanning, iRedMail uses Amavis (strictly …

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RingZer0team CTF - Challenges 86, 87, and 88

Posted on Thu 13 July 2017 in Security • Tagged with Security, Tech, RingZer0Team

There are a bunch of fantastic Capture The Flag security challenges on RingZer0Team.com. I've been working through some of these for a wee while now, and with the New Zealand Cyber Security Challenge coming up again soon, I thought I'd get back into some of them.

Challenge 86 ("1/3 Do not waste the environment", under the Forsensic Challenges) is one of a series of challenges where you need to dig through some provided data to find the flag.

I started by downloading the 'forensic bundle', which was just …

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Staying Secure in Business

Posted on Wed 28 June 2017 in Security • Tagged with Security, Tech

A friend asked a question today on Facebook. I started writing a reply, and it turned into a 700-word essay. Hate it when that happens...

The question was:

"If large multi-international companies are getting hacked in Europe who have millions if not billions of $$ and capacity to protect their IT systems - how can small/micro businesses protect their IT platforms and systems?"

Firstly - nobody is safe from an APT ("Advanced Persistent Threat"). The recent NotPetya outbreak was an APT - malicious actors hacked a Ukrainian firm that produced accounting software, and …

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RingZer0team CTF - Challenge 44

Posted on Sat 24 June 2017 in Security • Tagged with Security, Tech, RingZer0Team

There are a bunch of fantastic Capture The Flag security challenges on RingZer0Team.com. I've been working through some of these for a wee while now, and with the New Zealand Cyber Security Challenge coming up again soon, I thought I'd get back into some of them.

Challenge 56 ("Hey Chuck where is the flag?", under the Forensic Challenges) started by only offering a .pcap file. I downloaded Wireshark and had a quick dig. The packet capture consisted of a brief browse of a "Chuck Norris Facts" website.

After quickly …

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RingZer0team CTF - Challenge 65

Posted on Sat 24 June 2017 in Security • Tagged with Security, Tech, RingZer0Team

This is a continuation of my series on RingZer0Team.com.

Challenge 65 ("Hide my ass in my home", under the Forensic challenges) is a nice quick little forensic challenge. You get to download a .tar file, and do a bit of digging to uncover the flag.

This was a nice easy few minutes. After downloading the archive, I discovered a few files inside - including a particularly groovy electronica swing track, which I'm listening to again right now. Yeaaaaahhhhh.

Apart from a groovy mp3, the archive contains some dot-files such as …

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